Saturday, November 17, 2007

Michigan Appeals Court Blocks Jan. 15 Primary

State Court Of Appeals Ruling Leaves Campaign Calendar In Flux

"(AP) The Michigan Court of Appeals on Friday upheld a lower court's ruling that the Jan. 15 presidential primary law is unconstitutional.

State GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis said after the ruling was released that it's up to Democrats to act.

"Right now, the only thing standing between a presidential primary and voters is the Democrat (sic) Caucus in the Michigan House of Representatives," he said in a statement. "There is strong bipartisan support for a presidential primary on January 15, but time is running out.""

Decision -

Opinion - Dissenting (WCW)

Two issues of concern quickly come to my mind.

Why can't we put our Primary back where it was? That would be too easy I suppose. If the whole idea of a Jan. 15 Primary was to supposedly prevent disenfranchisement of Michigan voters, why then is virtually complete disenfranchisement in a Caucus instead of a Primary the solution? Am I missing the point here or have I hit the nail squarely on it's head?


Also, does the statement or a potential mis-quotation of Saul Anuzis about a "Democratic Caucus" muddy the issue of having a Michigan Primary Election (at all, whenever) instead of a Convention or a Caucus to select the Primary Candidate for both Republican and Democratic parties?

For Liberty!


read more digg story

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Another spike in Ron Paul donations

There is another spike started up in Ron Paul contributions today for Veterans Day. Links to view the live charts in real time from

read more | digg story

There is another spike started up in Ron Paul contributions today for Veterans Day. WooHoo!

BTW - If you have ever served or currently are serving our country - Thank You! Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated!

These are snapshots taken 11 Nov. 2007 of


or subscribe to donate on Dec. 16th in honor of the New Boston Tea Party -
or donate next payday or donate next whatever whenever

If we the people really want to take our nation back from the __________ (fill in the blank with your favorite group of Washington D.C fat cats) NOW is our chance!

If you think the ___________ (fill in the blank with your favorite issue - war, economy, tax burden, gas prices, etc.) are bad now, just wait and see what happens if we don't get the opportunity (win the Primary) to elect an honest president.

We are finally starting to get some very favorable press exposure - CNN Interviews Ron Paul After Philadelphia Rally 11/10/07 Let's give 'em something more to talk about!

Viva La 2nd American R3VOLution!



Monday, November 05, 2007

Why November 5th?

Why November 5th?

Well, a regular user type fellow on YouTube, Jamsie567, got this idea to use some footage from a fairly recent movie "V for Vendetta". Which really wasn't such a great movie IMHO, but had an important ingredient for success, an easy to remember tag line. "Remember, remember, the Fifth of November"

The completely unrelated historic event:

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder, treason and plot,
I know of no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,
’twas his intent
To blow up the King and Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below,
Poor old England to overthrow;
By God’s providence he was catch’d
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys,
God save the King!
Hip hip hoorah!


Which was about how some Catholic radicals planned to blow up the protestant Parliament of England of it's day, in an attempt to bring the down fall of the monarchy. What was notable, the conspiratorial air about the movie with all it's readily usable rhetoric to be found on both sides of the issue.

In typical Web 2.0 viral marketing fashion another regular sort of fellow created a web site and the first guy created a link from the video to the web site. The concept there was to get some folks to sign up to a Feed Burner email alert and commit to contributing $100 or more at the official Ron Paul campaign site on November 5th.

Being two months behind on my own house payment, with quite fully maxed out credit cards, I couldn't go the full amount, but I did my own fair share of $50.00 since they could not yet take my check by phone, only personal non-business credit cards. I told the nice guy who answered the phone, Oh dear, that's an oversight. Make a note. Thanks, I'll go figure something out.

In the meanwhile the donation meter at 12:00 Midnight Nov 5th has hit $4 Million dollars, but the funny thing about it was the almost exactly straight line characteristic to it for 16 hours continuously since about 8:00 in the morning all the way up to Midnight.

Rumor has it, that this could be due to a backlog at the credit card processors for the campaign. Time will tell. $4 Million dollars is still more than any other Republican candidate has ever raised online in a single day, the previous record being $3.1 Million for Mitt Romney. We will have to wait and see what the complete total comes to. Certainly news worthy, The New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, Yahoo, ABC News reports all have carried various spin control pieces on the history making event. So much for the overhyped make believe Spam bot, Botnet idea "news" story. This should hopefully kill that lame spin dead in it's tracks.

Viva La R3VOLution!


Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Hmm, blog of a nonesuch such as I. Who me be? One son of the I AM. What I do? If it's got wires or an antenna, if it needs prayer, if nobody can make it work or if it never has been done before. That's what I really like to do, but if you just need help that is also my joy!
